This is my raw idea for building a smartwatch out of a Raspberry Pi Pico.
I have a special love of wrist watches.
I like watches with large faces and some of the largest I’ve seen are 56mm. The Pi Pico board is 51mm wide. It also has a USB connector that sticks out an additional 1.3mm. I should be able to put that into a case that would be around that size.
I’ll need to figure out battery power but I’ve found a reference that talks about running the pi pico with batteries. According to that site a 1000 mAh battery might power the Pico W for around 50 hours. That seems in line with how long some of today’s smart watches last.
Watch width will be a problem to deal with as the pico itself as the batteries will probably add significant size. I’d like to do AAA batteries if possible. These are rated at 850 mAh each, 1700 for two, 3400 for four. But, they are large and that might be too much.
I would likely design the watch case in OpenSCAD and 3D print it on my Ender 3 V2.
I already have an unbranded Raspberry Pi Pico W that came with an electronics kit and I also pre-ordered two of the newest Pi Pico boards that are set to start shipping in August 2024.
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